Monday, June 28, 2004

Sometimes I get sad when I think about my favorite shoes, because someday they will wear out and I won't be able to wear them anymore. I'll have to get new shoes, and the new shoes just won't be the same. My black work shoes (winter version) wore out a couple years ago and I still haven't found shoes I like as much. But last month I found a replacement for my black work shoes (summer version). They aren't the same as the old shoes, but they are very, very cute. They make my feet look really good. Sometimes when I'm walking, I'll look down at my feet as they walk, and think "wow, my feet look great in these shoes." At least from the top they do. But then sometimes I remember that these shoes will wear out someday and I feel sad. But I try not to think about it.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Here's the day I had yesterday:

*Ring* *Ring*
(Me) "Hello?"
"No one in Miami can log in to the website."
(Me) "Okay, I'll check on it."

*Ring* *Ring*
(Me) "Hello?"
"No one in Daytona Beach can log in to the website."
(Me) "Okay, I'll check on it."

*Ring* *Ring*
(Me) "Hello?"
"No one in Oklahoma City can log in to the website."
(Me) "Okay, I'll check on it."

*Ring* *Ring*
(Me) "Hello?"
"No one in Charlotte can log in to the website."
(Me) "Okay, I'll check on it."

(...checking Java code....)
(Me) "Oh, shit."

Monday, June 07, 2004

I just saw Harry Potter 3. Here's my thoughts:

(1) I no longer want to be Lara Croft when I grow up. I want to be Catwoman. Lara Croft still rules, but where would I get the huge estate in England? Based on the trailers, all Catwoman needs is leather and a motorcycle - I have those things already! But wearing that leather outfit all the time - wouldn't it chafe?

(2) The movie opens with Harry under his covers at the Dursleys' using a lumos spell to read in the dark. But we all know he's not allowed to do magic during the summer!

(3) I don't like the new Dumbledore.

(4) This is the best movie of the three.

(5) The castle is awesome in this movie - it looks like a real haunted castle, not just a collection of special effects.

(5) Pretty soon, Hermione is going to be giving the Olsen twins a run for their money.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

I can waste tons at of time at work with this site - a list of law student blawgs.